Of course it was Sandy all along. After guesting for the previous two summers, here she is in her new role as one of the strip’s regulars. By popular request I may add….
Category / Smith
Lynch mob
Reflecting the new meaner small-minded mood towards newcomers that had manifested itself after the Brexit vote. If anyone’s going to be the reactionary in the group its going to be Smudge. Luckily her brother is a bit more Zen about things.
Yet more evidence
A real adult conversation
I’m 53 – you would think that by now I’d understand the obsession grownups have with property prices but it hasn’t happened yet. Gardening and golf also remain a mystery. However, I’m alarmed to find I’m starting to see the point of slippers.
More evidence
Here we go, this is the culmination of two years of plotting and build up that started in Romney Marsh a couple of summers ago…
Back to reality
Back to ‘reality’, so the colouring returns to normal.
Scritch Scritch
Bullet time
Recreating a few of Keanu Reeves’ iconic freeze-frame poses from the Matrix. Every movie for the next few years sped up and slowed down their action scenes at random in a me-too fashion, mainly because digital editing software had just become available and every editor in Hollywood was using it for no other reason than because it was there.
Agent Smith
There was an Agent Smith in the movies, played by Hugo Weaving. It’s OK, I can reveal he’s a virus. It’s not like it’s a spoiler – the films are 18 years old now! And besides, after the first one they became incomprehensibly muddled anyway. If I remember correctly, in the last movie they saved the universe by switching it off and switching it back on again.