I didn’t manage to do a strip without any cats in it on Monday, so to compensate I managed to do it in this one. It’s good to have Humprey Earthworm back.
Category / Smith
This was originally planned as a story that was going to be told by the tracks alone, but I decided that it required Smudge on her wall to make it obvious what had happened. I tried drawing paw pad prints in each one of the impressions in the snow, but by happy accident they ended up looking like smiley faces.
What the fox hat
Snow bunny
Wait a few minutes
There’s a saying they have in Eastern New Mexico, on the edge of the plains where my in-laws live. They say: ‘If you don’t like the weather, just wait a few minutes – it’ll be something else’. Strangely, in England we have exactly the same saying.
The cold snap has appeared on schedule. However, it’s only due to last for about a week or so, and then be replaced with more high temperatures, torrential rain and gale force winds. In this strip it’ll last until the beginning of March, as being stuck in Storm Goliath just after Christmas inspired a lot of snow and cold gags.