Marjorie Proops


Once over








Worm charming

smith-pilcher-845-150902Not much to say here, apart from ‘watch these gulls go…’

Earthworm Gossip

smith-pilcher-844-150831This strip brought out some controversy about the state of Scrumpy’s tail. It is claimed that most breeds of rabbit have white tails no matter what colour the rest of the rabbit is. My explanation is that Scrumpy did originally have a white tail, but he thought it looked too cheerful, so he now goes to a bunny salon in St Leonards once a month to have it dyed a fetching shade of ‘misery grey’.

Why we fight

smith-pilcher-843-150828Simon Munnery said this so much better as his surreal philosopher character The League Against Tedium: “All men are bothers. Hence: war.”

It’s the ‘hence’ that makes that special.

Putting the world to rights, Part 3

smith-pilcher-842-150826I’m surprised to find how popular this series of finger-wagging strips has been – the cartoon doesn’t normally get shared on Facebook but these ones have been promiscuously shared from the GoComics site. I always thought these were fairly weak cartoons saying obvious things in an obvious way. It just goes to show that that last person who should be consulted about the worth of his work should be the author!

A full cast of cats appears in the last frame, with three extras.

To the bottom left you can find one of Val Ware’s cats from the Paws for Thought strip. I’m not an aficionado of one panel strips normally but I love this one. When it first started I thought it was just going to be a bit of Hallmark Cards style sentimentality, but it’s grown into so much more. On one day you might get a piece of fine art recast to star a ginger cat, a piebald cat and a boxer dog – the next you’ll find a well observed bit of animal behaviour – and then an illustrated bit of philosophy. Try it. Work your way thru the back catalogue – it works best in bulk.

Fluffy from Snow Sez is directly behind The Cat That Stares At Stuff. Snow will be promoted to the GoComics main page soon, and about time too!

The tortoiseshell-and-white cat lying on the window ledge is a drawing of my first cat, Sunday. She had so many beautiful colours in her fur that she was perfect as an illustration of what this strip is about.

Putting the world to rights part 2

smith-pilcher-841-150824Ok, I did religion in the last strip, so let’s go for broke and do politics this time.

The people on telly are:

Frame 1:
Left: (but actually on the right) Boris Johnson, Conservative Mayor of London and MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. Right: (but actually left) Ed Milliband, former leader of the Labour Party.

Frame 2:
Left: (and actually left) Jeremy Corbyn, the man currently likely to be the next Labour Party leader. Right (and actually right) Ian Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, and complete and utter bell-end.

Frame 3:
General view of the House of Commons.