DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun DUN dun…


Flappy thing!


Bowled over

smith-pilcher-808-150608There may not be a golf course in the real park, but there’s definitely a bowling green. Lawn bowls is sort of like curling on grass. A small ball (the jack) is chucked from one end of the green to the other, and then two people or teams compete to bowl their bowls as close to the jack as possible. The bowls are weighted on one side, so its possible for the bowls to take a curved path around obstacles in order to find the jack.

Its a slow but hypnotic game, perfect for a summer afternoon. I’ve never played, I don’t think I’m nearly old enough to be able to do that in any seriousness, but I love sitting on a park bench next to the green watching a game slowly unfold.

On the other hand…

smith-pilcher-807-150605Actually, I don’t understand the appeal of fishing either. The sitting by a lake bit makes sense, but not the hauling innocent creatures out of the water by a barbed hook bit.

Hole in one

smith-pilcher-806-150603I’m taking a few liberties with the geography of Alexandra Park, the gardens this set of strips is set in. It has a river running through the middle of it, a bandstand, ponds and lakes, tennis courts, a miniature railway, a bowling green, several events fields which get used for open air theatre, music festivals, and fetes, nature reserves, a waterfall, a chalybeate spring, a bandstand and a cafe, but no golf course. Hastings isn’t really a full-sized golf sort of town – we specialise in miniature golf instead. In fact, the World Crazy Golf Championships take place on the seafront every October.


smith=pilcher-805-150601Scrawlixes are those symbols you see coming from off frame in the last panel, showing that there is some swearing going on but keeping everything nice and family-friendly for GoComics.

Once again, apologies for running so late with the blog – I’m concentrating on keeping the cartoon itself up to date, but find it’s usually past midnight on the morning day the strip goes up before I’m finished, so the blog tends to be a bit of an afterthought now.

Full disclosure, I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and it means that sometimes I have days when I feel really fatigued. I’m not able to work into the night like I used to be able to. It’s being managed with tablets and dietary changes, and I’m feeling a lot better than I used to, but every now and again I eat something with some hidden sugar in it and that’s that for that night. Whatever happens, the strip will continue to appear on GoComics every Monday, Wednesday and Friday even if the blog goes quiet for a week or two at a time.



Margery Daw


See saw

smith-pilcher-802-150525Apologies for the lateness of this post. Today’s strip didn’t actually get drawn until today. I’ve got some serious catching up to get on with. Blame Eurovision and the Comics Con the next day.


smith-pilcher-801-150522I didn’t realise that I had spelled the word ‘acquired’ incorrectly until after I had scanned in the artwork. Can you spot the repair job I did?

Today’s guest dog is a Pyrenian Mountain Dog (probably spelled incorrectly as well).