Sitting in a box – sitting in a cardboard box



smith-pilcher-786-150417I have only ever heard Bella growl in one situation, and that’s when she’s guarding her feathery toy from Billy. The rest of the time she’s sweetness and light, but woe betide anyone that tries to separate her from her feathers before she’s ready.


smith-pilcher-785-150415The phrase ‘It pains me to think we are of the same blood’ is a direct quote from Geoffrey Willan’s Molesworth books. Except, of course, Nigel Molesworth would have spelled it ‘it panes me to think we are ov the same blud’, as any fule kno. It’s probably an allusion to another quote, anyone know what it might be?


smith-pilcher-784-150413Another one of Bella’s favourite toys was her Fishee. It’s a blue fish plush toy that came with a MacDonalds Happy Meal and she was devoted to it until she lost it one night by putting it somewhere completely irretrievable, and we’ve never been able to find it since. I’ve given it to Chumley, as it think it suits him, much to Smudge’s disgust.

Seagull Whisperer II

smith-pilcher-783-150410I’m not too sure about the colouring on this one. The stone on the fireplace (a tribute to those fireplaces you would find in US sitcom houses in the 60s – onday I will have a house with that fireplace) is coloured too strongly, so there’s no real contrast between the fireplace and the wall behind it. I’m not sure the first three panels read clearly enough.


smith-pilcher-782-150408Bella has a thing about feathers. I think it’s instinctual, whenever she has a toy with feathers she is compelled to pluck all of the feathers out of it. A feather duster toy will last about two days at the most if it’s left with her, and first thing in the morning, we frequently find the front room looking like a hen run after a fox has got into it.

However, we’ve worked out how to deal with this, by collecting the feathers and making her a new toy out of them, using that self adhesive hospital velcro tape. We can now reassemble the toy after a hard nights plucking, and we’re both happy.

