Apologies for this being a bit late.
Category / Smith
Unexpected item
For some reason I’ve always wanted to put one of the animals in the strip on a supermarket self-service till, it’s just one of those images that appealed to me, and I’ve finally done it with Scrumpy.
Irritatingly I coloured it in once using Sainsbury’s orange and cream livery, just because that’s the supermarket nearest to my workplace and therefore the one I’m most used to. Then I coloured in the Tesco carrier bags and realised I had to recolour everything else to match. (Tesco, being more concise, is a funnier name than Sainsbury’s, and is more ubiquitous – however, if Piggly Wiggly ever opened a store in Britain I’d chose them!)
The most irritating self-service tills are in Morrisons. Their tills are so sensitive they won’t let you open their carrier bags before bleeping your groceries through the bar code reader, so you have to bleep everything through, pay and then pack. It’s a fault apparent in every branch I’ve ever been to.
OK, do you believe Scrumpy’s telling the truth here?
Thanks to the late lamented Smash Hits magazine for the word ‘Blee!’
A bunny’s work is never done
Daytime TV
If you’ve never seen the Jeremy Kyle show on TV consider yourself to be very lucky. It’s hard to tell who are the most damaged individuals on his show – the members of the underclass he parades on the studio floor or the spittle flecked presenter who feeds off their misery. Of course, he’s started appearing in the States. Who knows, maybe he’ll be rejected by them quickly as Piers Morgan was.
Parp Honk
It’s good to have an extended range of characters that can pop in and out of the strip as required. This is Dave the Swan – we haven’t seen him for a couple of years, I’ll have to bring him back this summer if I can find something for him to do. (Actually, as I’m currently writing scripts for June, I know where the cats are and he’d fit in perfectly…)