Category / Smith
Friday the 13th Part One
Every Friday the 13th I go a bit meta, and engineer a comic that goes wrong in some way. In the past the strips have been posted upside down, reversed, had the cast replaced with dogs, gone all blurry and so on. The script is essentially the same every time, with Jones pointing out that it’s Friday 13th in the first panel, supplying some exposition in the second panel, and Smith saying “Well nothing has gone wrong yet” in the third panel, as everything goes wrong around him. In this case, something’s gone wrong with the soundtrack settings, and we’ve switched to Hindi in the last panel. Hopefully Google Translate hasn’t made too much of a hash of the translation
A tour of the tree
Just for comparison, here’s Billy and Bella’s new tree. It’s essentially the same as the one in the strip, except the balls have been knocked off the top seats already, and the den at the top of the tree has been relocated to another part of the room so they have a extra place to hide and scratch. Billy and Bella were, of course, observing the one week ignoring rule when this photo was taken
Pick of the posts
Must… resist…
The ‘Must… resist…’ monologue is a staple in comics. You know the kind of thing:
“Must… resist… urge… to kill…”
“Polka-dot Kryptonite! Must… resist… it’s… RAYS…”
” Must… resist… delicious… doughnuts!”
It works well in context in comics, even if it is so hackneyed that it has developed into its own internet meme. However, try saying those words out loud and make it sound believable. It can’t be done.
Must… resist… saying… words… out… LOUD…