It’s still a box!


It’s a box!

smith-pilcher-749-150121Billy and Bella love their cat tree, so much so that they’ve wrecked it in about a year and a half. Let’s see what Smith and Jones make of one. Even though Jones is more interested in the box it comes in…

Not actually an exaggeration for comic effect

smith-pilcher-748-150119Billy and Bella invite you to admire their handiwork.


Just following instructions

smith-pilcher-747-150116If you don’t want your journal wrecked, don’t call it ‘Wreck This Journal’. Obviously.

More philosophical mewsings


Smell the irony

smith-pilcher-745-150112Of course, on the day I publicise the blog in the strip, I forget to update the blog until sometime in the evening. Irony, thy name is Pilcher.

This and the next few strips were sparked off by an article in a book called “The Things that Nobody Knows” on the nature of consciousness. It debates whether it is ever possible to know how a cat thinks, when we have no idea if it has anything even slightly analagous to the self awareness that a human has, or how its vastly different sensory inputs skew the way it sees the world. Of course, all the cats in this strip are highly anthropomorphic in their outlook, so they find this question rather ridiculous.

Besides, from their point of view, the question is more like “How on earth did humans get to be the dominant species when they can’t smell anything worth smelling (and when they can they can only interpret it in the crudest way), hear anything worth hearing or see anything unless they’re under a floodlight?”


smith-pilcher-744-150109This is one of those strips that was a direct result of the one before it. Having drawn Jones in earmuffs in Wednesday’s strip I started to wonder how Scrumpy would appear in them, and whether they would even fit.


smith-pilcher-743-150107It’s winter, so it’s time to come out with the cold jokes. Inspired by the many woolen hats that Linda wears at this time of year – I’ll have to take some photos and post a gallery of them some time.

As you can tell I’m still running slightly behind schedule on this blog – that ice storm has meant I’ve had to prioritize catching up with my work on my real job in publishing, as I’ve had so many projects deadlining at the same time on dates unhelpfully close to the New Year. I’ve battled my way through them so I should be running on a more even keel now. I may even find the time to post some more Riverfields strips and a gallery of new Billy and Bella photos. Let’s see what happens…


smith-pilcher-742-150105There’s a new ringtone which has become ubiquitous on mobile phones, an annoyingly jaunty whistle of the kind that someone in flares and dungarees would make in a dreadful 70s ITV sit com after making a double entendre so laboured it only had a single meaning. It’s supposed to be cheerful but it just brings up horrible visions of Robin Asquith to me.

This is what passed for entertainment in the mid 70s in Britain. It was an age when the few light entertainers who weren’t sex offenders seemingly made a living pretending to be one in films. 70s nostalgia is something I just don’t understand.

Happy bunny

smith-pilcher-741-150102I drew a sketch of a happy Scrumpy in my script book and it looked so alarming that this strip was the result. It’s not natural.