Just testing to see if there’s anyone still out there. I’ll admit that I’ve been concentrating more on supporting the reruns on Tapas.io while we’re exiled from the main GoComics site. But there’s a small but vocal group of you that want new Smith strips while we’re waiting for GoComics to get its act together, so I’ll keep going. I’ve written enough strips to keep us going through to mid Autumn, and am preparing for the return to thrice weekly strips as soon as GoComics have the infrastructure ready for it…
Category / Smith
Politics as unusual
We’re in the final stages of a truly wierd and utterly pointless general election at the moment, another one of those side-effects of the Brexit process that was made inevitable as soon as Theresa May announced she wasn’t going to be holding another election when she became prime minister.
These are all my local candidates. Amber Rudd, the home secretary, has become the Prime Ministers representative on earth since calling the election she can’t be bothered to turn up to any of the debates about it. I feel sort of sorry for her – her father died two days before the big TV debate, but she’s a slave to her ambition, so she dutifully turned up at the debate and got laughed at for asking to be judged by the Government’s record. There’s a real chance she may be unseated, as the opposition forces have been making a coordinated campaign against her, and the latest polls show her losing. But we’ve been here before. I’ll believe it only when it actually happens.
Peter Chowney is the leader of the staunchly Labour-controlled Hastings Borough Council, and is her likely successor. He has his own questions to answer about dodgy planning decisions in the town.
I consider myself to be a natural Liberal Democrat, but I can’t bring myself to vote for Nick Perry, who has brought their share of the vote down from around 20% in 2010 to 3% in 2015. Neither can anyone else. They have become irrelevant.
UKIP are nutters. I may have made their candidate appear a little too sane.
The final lawn sign isn’t my own creation, but I’ve seen it around a lot plastered to walls and as a meme in my Facebook feed.
Scrumpy on social media
Un point
Based on Rene Mageritte’s famous painting The Treachery of Images.
Is it a comment on the fact that Smith is not a cat by merely the image of a cat, or a dig at GoComics for Smith’s continued disappearance from their site? I couldn’t possibly say.
But for the record it’s been four and a half months since the Sherpa strips disappeared. And counting…
Ed Balls Day
April shower
I just like drawing rain.
Thse aren’t just eggs…
Things have moved on a bit since I was a kid and the best you could expect was a Cadbury’s Buttons egg which spilt in half to present a pouch of three chocolate buttons. Easter eggs are now art. Marks and Spencers have made this their speciality this year, with eggs that owe more to the art of Henry Moore than to the art of the chocolatier. In the last frame, Smith is sat behind the carrot cake flavoured egg from Waitrose I got Linda this year. Me? I’ve got a tiny Kinder suprise egg. That’s the joy of Type 2 Diabetes for you.
This year’s calendar at work is a strange beast. It’s from ‘Best of British’ magazine – a publication for nostalgic old men who can’t cope with the fact that it’s no longer 1957. Really it should be subtitled ‘why is everything different from when I was a child – why why why?’. The calendar pictures old toys, which tell you everything you need to know. It also picks out anniversaries which it considers to be of particular importance. Strangely, it chose to major on Britain winning the Eurovision Song Contest in 1967 with a song which Sandie Shaw herself postively hated.
Google actually ignored the anniversary, which was yesterday. It probably wasn’t obscure enough. Google’s style would be more to wait till the 53rd anniversary and then celebrate the man who made the microphones the song was recorded with.