Christmas Tree


A merry Christmas to everyone everywhere.

Having established that that strip has a ‘giving’ tree, the opposite of Charlie Brown’s kite eating tree, it made sense for it to join in with the Christmas festivities.

If today’s strip is flashing in an alarmingly epileptic way (like it has been on my iPad) try reloading. That cured it for me.

The Christmas Bunny


This is one of those images that just suddenly came to me unbidden, and I wasn’t going to waste it.

Detective work


This is a warning, with Christmas coming up. Cat poo is the new coal. You don’t want to find any at the bottom of your stocking.



Spot the human




As Linda and I have gone away for Christmas, so have Smith and Jones’ folks. And after last years adventures they’re going to be staying at home and having a visit from a catsitter every day. If only they’d listen for long enough for it to register…

A very sincere Christmas Tree


I’m glad to see that most of my readers recognized the tree as the one from the Peanuts Christmas special ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’.



I see these trees in Hobby Lobby, and all I can think of is that this is what the war on Christmas looks like.

This year’s cat and Christmas Tree strip


It’s time to start Christmas, and as is traditional, here’s the annual remix of the cat and christmas tree strip. This time it’s just the beginning, as I thought I’d see what the consequences of Smith and Jones’ annual arboreal wrecking spree would be…

This year’s Christmas strips were written during lunch breaks sitting on the wellington Rocks in Tunbridge Wells. It’s a lovely place to sit and there are very few distractions so you can just let your mind wander and come up with gags. I’m currently writing this on an iPad at a kitchen table in Clovis NM, another place equally devoid of distractions. I’m hoping to get a good few months of gags written during my time here.


Nothing on the telly


As one of the commenters on GoComics remarked – it’s probably because it’s harder to balance on a flat screen telly that it used to be on an old fashioned Cathode Ray Tube set. Happily, Samsung have noticed the problem and have solved it by bringing out a new flat screen telly with a shelf on the top.
