No problems, Crookedwolf. Though I wonder if conversation had all the other readers of the strip trying to work out of there was a missing vowel left for me to use in Friday’s strip.
(Strictly speaking, ‘w’ is a vowel in Welsh, so it’s possible to have ‘Plwnk’, which looks like the name of a small railway halt in deepest Anglesey, where the trains stop once a year. It would be pronounced ‘Ploonk’. Sadly, there is no ‘k’ in Welsh, so it wouldn’t work anyway, it would have to be spelled ‘Plwnc’.)
Font nerds, The word ‘Plynk’ was typeset in a font called ‘Sabbath Black‘, a blackletter font by the Emigré foundry. The ‘P’ originally had a gap between the stem and the bowl, like a stencil font, so I joined them together to make the word clearer to read.