Smudge v the clowns

In the war between Smudge and creepy clowns, there can only be one victor, and you can guarantee it won’t be the clown. Especially if her wall is involved.


The creepy killer clown craze was possibly one of the least bizarre manifestations of 2016. Let’s face it, in a world where a nation can vote for Brexit without actually having a clue what it means or how to do it, or in which Donald Trump is President Elect of the USA dressing up as a clown and intimidating people seems to be a perfectly natural response.

I’m not sure why ‘Rzzzzz’ is the sound a creepy clown makes – it just seems right. It’s a reference to a Frank Zappa album I’ve never actually heard, but I get the feeling that the actual music in the album can oly pale in comparison to the weird stuff I’m imagining this cover art should deserve.

There was some speculation on the comments boards (remember them?) that the clown would turn out to be an owl, based on the shape of the eyes. It was actually my attempt to draw a scowl when just the eyeballs are visible.