

I’m not too sure about this one – with hindsight I can see that the bush in the background is in the wrong place and impedes the easy comprehension of the drawing. I only put it in because in was in the background of the previous strip, but I should really have followed the rule of ‘if in doubt, leave it out’ this time round.

Swan Lake on ice

smith-pilcher-912-150205Humphrey Earthworm yesterday, Dave the Swan today; yes, I’m bringing back supporting characters one by one to see how they cope with the snow.

Incidentally, the cold snap didn’t last, at least, not in Hastings which has a microclimate all its own. One of the advantages of living in a coastal town is that you tend not to get the extremes of temperature that even those place only three miles away, on the other side of the ridge that separates Hastings from civilisation. One the minus side we get the wind instead.