
Tinkle tinkle

This came from a facebook conversation with Cynthia Sonier, who produces the strip Sooky Rottweiler (available on Tapas at https://tapas.io/series/SookyHeadsetChronicles  and https://tapas.io/series/A-Christmas-Mittaines). She had a panel which showed her reactionary silver tabby Mittaines sitting on the toilet. And I remembered that my first cat, Sunday, did that for real. Not only that, when she was outdoors she would pee while sitting over drains, just like Jones is doing in this strip.

Passive dreaming

Passive dreaming is like passive smoking – dreams that are experienced second-hand. I get this a lot – only Linda is dreaming she’s back nursing in the burns unit in Covenant Hospital in Lubbock. It’s truly weird to be woken up by someone who is talking in a commanding voice about the drips she’s setting up for the latest patient to come in. Or she’ll be explaining in a gentle but no-nonsense manner to the family of a burn victim what they can expect to happen for the next few months. Or once, memorably, she was trying to push a buffalo into a wardrobe.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Tree 2017

This year’s cat and Christmas tree strip is a bit different.

It’s nearly Christmas

It’s nearly Christmas! And yes, the Coke trucks have been on the telly for at least two weeks by now. Holidays are coming.. holidays are coming… etc.

The floor is made of lava

But don’t cats spend most of their days assuming the floor is made of lava anyway?


This is pretty much how I feel about gaming. I tried getting into around the time of the Sega Mega Drive but I quickly got bored with it.


Guy Fawkes Night

Tonight is Guy Fawkes night. Be careful out there and keep your pets indoors, there’s going to be a lot of foreworks going off tonight…