Children’s story

This is structured like most children’s picture books. You know the kind…

One morning, Jones went out for a walk.

First she met Smith. He was underneath a wastepaper basket.

“Hi, Smith” said Jones.

“Morning” said Smith

Then a few minutes later she met Chumley. He was under a cardboard box.

“Hi, Chumley” said Jones etc etc…

It’s all happening tomorrow…

Royal weddings. FA Cup Finals. Perhaps not the best day for the Hastleons to be putting on its Cabaret night, but that’s where I’ll be, having no real interest in either football or Harry and Megan.

Sandy is a Chelsea supporter because that’s the team I was told I supported when I was a kid, and they seem to have made it to the Finals tomorrow. They are the blue one and the other team is the red one.

Swipe left

Or is it right? I honestly don’t know. All I know is it’s the direction Smudge had to swipe in so the iPad could be seen to be swiped forwards in time.

One of the things I miss about working in a vertical format rather than a horizontal one is that a lot of the sense of space and time between frames is lost.


Merry Christmas everyone!

It’s nearly Christmas

It’s nearly Christmas! And yes, the Coke trucks have been on the telly for at least two weeks by now. Holidays are coming.. holidays are coming… etc.

Pirate Day 2017

Ar! Celebrating a Hastings summer tradition.

Find out more here:

Status update


Remember last Christmas’s John Lewis advert? This is the sequel.

2016 in seven words

2016 was a year in which the human race seemed to take leave of its senses. We’re in for a wild ride in the next few years as the consequences of the stupid decisions we’ve made this year play through their inevitable courses. Stay safe, folks.