
Smith-Pilcher-730-141208Don’t you wish you could stretch like a cat? If I ever did it like that there would be bits of vertebrae pinging off in all directions!

A second stretch

a569-130915More Billy inspired stretching material.


a568-130908Inspired by Billy, who is a very elastic cat. I’ve never seen any cat stretch to the lengths that he can manage.

Incidentally, if you’re wondering why I’m not drawing these Sunday strips in the traditional three-bank funny pages format, it’s because I don’t think that’s how Smith will be seen in the future. Print is dead, and the parameters we have to work to nowadays are not those that suit newspaper production, but those that suit smart phones and tablets. It’s an interesting space to work with, and it’s let me try several ideas that just wouldn’t have worked before. This is a strip I could never have done in the daily format.