
Tinkle tinkle

This came from a facebook conversation with Cynthia Sonier, who produces the strip Sooky Rottweiler (available on Tapas at https://tapas.io/series/SookyHeadsetChronicles  and https://tapas.io/series/A-Christmas-Mittaines). She had a panel which showed her reactionary silver tabby Mittaines sitting on the toilet. And I remembered that my first cat, Sunday, did that for real. Not only that, when she was outdoors she would pee while sitting over drains, just like Jones is doing in this strip.

Calvinist discourse

Smith-Pilcher-720-141114OK, I’ll shut up about the ‘Be More Dog’ campaign. This is my equivalent of one of those cartoons of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes pissing on the logo of whatever your football team’s arch enemy is.